As the second work in a series of papers aiming to detect absorption systems in the quasar spectra of the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, we continue the analysis of Paper I (Chen+, 2014, J/ApJS/210/7; 2014ApJS..212...17C) by expanding the quasar sample to those quasars with z_em_>2.4. This yields a sample of 21963 appropriate quasars to search for narrow CIV{lambda}{lambda}1548,1551 absorptions with W_r_>=0.2{AA} for both lines. There are 9708 quasars with at least one appropriate absorption system imprinted on their spectra. From these spectra, we detect 13919 narrow C IV absorption systems whose absorption redshifts cover a range of z_abs_=1.8784-4.3704. In this paper and Paper I, we have selected 37241 appropriate quasars with median S/N>=4 and 1.54<~z_em_<~5.16 to visually analyze narrow CIV{lambda}{lambda}1548,1551 absorption doublets one by one. A total of 15999 quasars are found to have at least one appropriate absorption system imprinted on their spectra. From these 15999 quasar spectra, we have detected 23336 appropriate CIV{lambda}{lambda}1548,1551 absorption systems with W_r_>=0.2{AA} whose absorption redshifts cover a range of z_abs_=1.4544-4.3704. The largest values of W_r_ are 3.19{AA} for the {lambda}1548 absorption line and 2.93{AA} for the {lambda}1551 absorption line, respectively. We find that only a few absorbers show large values of W_r_. About 1.1% of the total absorbers have W_r_{lambda}1548>=2.0{AA}.