Using the Data Release 9 Quasar spectra from the Baryonic Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey, which does not include quasar spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7, we detect narrow MgII{lambda}{lambda}2796,2803 absorption doublets in the spectral data redward of 1250{AA} (quasar rest frame) until the red wing of the MgII{lambda}2800 emission line. Our survey is limited to quasar spectra with a median signal-to-noise ratio <S/N>{>=}4/pixel in the surveyed spectral region, resulting in a sample that contains 43260 quasars. We have detected a total of 18598 MgII absorption doublets with 0.2933<=z_abs_<=2.6529. About 75% of absorbers have an equivalent width at rest frame of W_r_^{lambda}2796^. About 75% of absorbers have doublet ratios (DR=W_r_^{lambda}2796^/W_r_^{lambda}2803^) in the range of 1<=DR<=2, and about 3.2% lie outside the range of 1-{sigma}_DR_<=DR<=2+{sigma}_DR_. We characterize the detection false positives/negatives by the frequency of detected MgII absorption doublets in the limits of the S/N of the spectral data. The S/N=4.5 limit is assigned a completeness fraction of 53% and tends to be complete when the S/N is greater than 4.5. The redshift number densities of all of the detected MgII absorbers moderately increase from z~0.4 to z~1.5, which parallels the evolution of the cosmic star formation rate density. Limiting our investigation to those quasars whose emission redshift can be determined from narrow emission lines, the relative velocities ({beta}) of MgII absorbers have a complex distribution which probably consists of three classes of MgII absorbers: (1) cosmologically intervening absorbers; (2) environmental absorbers that reside within the quasar host galaxies or galaxy clusters; (3) quasar outflow absorbers. After subtracting contributions from cosmologically intervening absorbers and environmental absorbers, the {beta} distribution of the MgII might mainly be contributed by the quasar outflow absorbers and peaks at {upsilon}~1500km/s. This peak velocity is lower than the value of 2000km/s found in statistical analysis of CIV absorbers.