The Smithsonian Hectospec Lensing Survey (SHELS) is a complete redshift survey covering two well-separated fields (F1 and F2) of the Deep Lens Survey (DLS). Both fields are more than 94% complete to a Galactic extinction corrected R_0_=20.2. Here, we describe the redshift survey of the F1 field centered at RA=00:53:25.3 and DEC=12:33:55 (J2000); like F2, the F1 field covers ~4deg^2^. The redshift survey of the F1 field includes 9426 new galaxy redshifts measured with Hectospec on the MMT (published here). As a guide to future uses of the combined survey, we compare the mass metallicity relation and the distributions of D_n_4000 as a function of stellar mass and redshift for the two fields. The mass-metallicity relations differ by an insignificant 1.6{sigma}. For galaxies in the stellar mass range 10^10^-10^11^M_{sun}_, the increase in the star-forming fraction with redshift is remarkably similar in the two fields. The seemingly surprising 31%-38% difference in the overall galaxy counts in F1 and F2 is probably consistent with the expected cosmic variance given the subtleties of the relative systematics in the two surveys. We also review the DLS cluster detections in the two fields: poorer photometric data for F1 precluded secure detection of the single massive cluster at z=0.35 that we find in SHELS. Taken together, the two fields include 16055 redshifts for galaxies with R_0_<=20.2 and 20754 redshifts for galaxies with R<=20.6. These dense surveys in two well-separated fields provide a basis for future investigations of galaxy properties and large-scale structure.