We report a new study of the V I atom using a combination of time-resolved laser-induced fluorescence and Fourier transform spectroscopy that contains newly measured radiative lifetimes for 25 levels between 24648/cm and 37518/cm and oscillator strengths for 208 lines between 3040 and 20000{AA} from 39 upper energy levels. Thirteen of these oscillator strengths have not been reported previously. This work was conducted independently of the recent studies of neutral vanadium lifetimes and oscillator strengths carried out by Den Hartog et al. (2014ApJS..215....7D) and Lawler et al. (2014, J/ApJS/215/20), and thus serves as a means to verify those measurements. Where our data overlap with their data, we generally find extremely good agreement in both level lifetimes and oscillator strengths. However, we also find evidence that Lawler et al. have systematically underestimated oscillator strengths for lines in the region of 9000+/-100{AA}. We suggest a correction of 0.18+/-0.03dex for these values to bring them into agreement with our results and those of Whaling et al. (1985A&A...153..109W). We also report new measurements of hyperfine structure splitting factors for three odd levels of V I lying between 24700 and 28400/cm.