We present a catalog of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) in the Coma cluster. UDGs are a subset of low surface brightness (SB) galaxies with very large effective radii defined by van Dokkum et al. (2015ApJ...798L..45V). We surveyed the Subaru data archive for deep Suprime-Cam/Subaru R-band images, and used data covering the 1.7x2.7{deg} region of the Coma cluster. The data are ~1 magnitude deeper than the data of van Dokkum et al. in limiting SB. This paper explains the details of our sample selection procedure. This UDG catalog includes positions, magnitudes, effective radii, mean and central SBs, and colors (when available). Comparisons with previous galaxy catalogs in the literature are performed, and we show that the current catalog is the largest for UDGs. We also discuss that most of the UDGs are members of the Coma cluster, and the major axis of the UDGs tends to align toward the cluster center (radial alignment).