Level energies, wavelengths, electric dipole, magnetic dipole, electric quadrupole, and magnetic quadrupole transition rates, oscillator strengths, and line strengths from combined relativistic configuration interaction and many-body perturbation (MBPT) calculations are reported for the 201 fine-structure states of the 2s^2^2p^6^, 2s^2^2p^5^3l, 2s2p^6^3l, 2s^2^2p^5^4l, 2s2p^6^4l, 2s^2^2p^5^5l, and 2s^2^2p^5^6l configurations in all Ne-like ions between CrXV and KrXXVII. Calculated level energies and transition data are compared with experiments from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and CHIANTI databases, and other recent benchmark calculations. The mean energy difference with the NIST experiments is only 0.05%. The present calculations significantly increase the amount of accurate spectroscopic data for the n>3 states in a number of Ne-like ions of astrophysical interest. A complete data set should be helpful for analyzing new observations from solar and other astrophysical sources, and is also likely to be useful for modeling and diagnosing a variety of plasmas, including astronomical and fusion plasma.