In this paper, multiwavelength data are compiled for a sample of 1425 Fermi blazars to calculate their spectral energy distributions (SEDs). A parabolic function, log({nu}F_{nu}_)=P_1_(log{nu}-P_2_)^2^+P_3_, is used for SED fitting. Synchrotron peak frequency (log{nu}_p_), spectral curvature (P_1_), peak flux ({nu}_p_F_{nu}p_), and integrated flux ({nu}F_{nu}_) are successfully obtained for 1392 blazars (461 flat-spectrum radio quasars [FSRQs], 620 BL Lacs [BLs], and 311 blazars of uncertain type [BCUs]; 999 sources have known redshifts). Monochromatic luminosity at radio 1.4GHz, optical R band, X-ray at 1keV and {gamma}-ray at 1GeV, peak luminosity, integrated luminosity, and effective spectral indices of radio to optical ({alpha}_RO_) and optical to X-ray ({alpha}_OX_) are calculated. The "Bayesian classification" is employed to log{nu}_p_ in the rest frame for 999 blazars with available redshift, and the results show that three components are enough to fit the log{nu}_p_ distribution; there is no ultra-high peaked subclass. Based on the three components, the subclasses of blazars using the acronyms of Abdo+ (2010, J/ApJ/716/30) are classified, and some mutual correlations are also studied.