We present new spatially resolved surface photometry in the far-ultraviolet (FUV) and near-ultraviolet (NUV) from images obtained by the Galaxy Evolution Explorer (GALEX) and IRAC1 (3.6{mu}m) photometry from the Spitzer Survey of Stellar Structure in Galaxies (S^4^G). We analyze the radial surface brightness profiles {mu}FUV, {mu}NUV, and {mu}[3.6], as well as the radial profiles of (FUV-NUV), (NUV-[3.6]), and (FUV-[3.6]) colors in 1931 nearby galaxies (z<0.01). The analysis of the 3.6 {mu}m surface brightness profiles also allows us to separate the bulge and disk components in a quasi-automatic way and to compare their light and color distribution with those predicted by the chemo-spectrophotometric models for the evolution of galaxy disks of Boissier & Prantzos (2000MNRAS.312..398B). The exponential disk component is best isolated by setting an inner radial cutoff and an upper surface brightness limit in stellar mass surface density. The best-fitting models to the measured scale length and central surface brightness values yield distributions of spin and circular velocity within a factor of two of those obtained via direct kinematic measurements. We find that at a surface brightness fainter than {mu}[3.6]=20.89mag arcsec^-2^, or below 3x10^8^M_{sun}_/kpc^2^ in stellar mass surface density, the average specific star formation rate (sSFR) for star-forming and quiescent galaxies remains relatively flat with radius. However, a large fraction of GALEX Green Valley galaxies show a radial decrease in sSFR. This behavior suggests that an outside-in damping mechanism, possibly related to environmental effects, could be testimony of an early evolution of galaxies from the blue sequence of star-forming galaxies toward the red sequence of quiescent galaxies.