We present new JCMT SCUBA-2 observations of the Galactic Center region from 355{deg}<l<5{deg} and b<+/-1{deg}, covering 10x2 square degrees along the Galactic Plane to a depth of 43mJy/beam at 850{mu}m and 360mJy/beam at 450{mu}m. We describe the mapping strategy and reduction method used. We present ^12^CO(3-2) observations of selected regions in the field. We derive the molecular-line conversion factors (mJy/beam per at 850 and 450{mu}m, which are then used to obtain the amount of contamination in the continuum maps due to ^12^CO(3-2) emission in the 850{mu}m band. Toward the fields where the CO contamination has been accounted for, we present an 850{mu}m CO-corrected compact source catalog. Finally, we look for possible physical trends in the CO contamination with respect to column density, mass, and concentration. No trends were seen in the data despite the recognition of three contributors to CO contamination: opacity, shocks, and temperature, which would be expected to relate to physical conditions. These SCUBA-2 Galactic Center data are available via