Vibration-rotation line lists for ^6^LiF, ^7^LiF, ^6^Li^35^Cl, ^6^Li^37^Cl, ^7^Li^35^Cl, and ^7^Li^37^Cl in the X^1^{Sigma}^+^ ground states have been prepared. The rovibrational energy levels have been calculated using potential energy surfaces determined by direct potential-fitting employing the rotational and rovibrational transition frequencies of all isotopologues, and required the inclusion of Born-Oppenheimer breakdown terms. Dipole moment functions calculated ab initio at the MRCI/aug-cc-pwCV5Z level have been used for line strength calculations. Partition functions for temperatures up to 5000K have been calculated. LiF and LiCl are predicted to be present in the atmospheres of hot rocky exoplanets, brown dwarfs, and cool stars.