A consistent set of spectroscopic constants for the a^1^{Delta}, d^1^{Sigma}^+^, b^1^{Pi}, c^1^{Phi}, and f^1^{Delta} states of ^48^Ti^16^O has been determined from analysis of the b^1^{Pi}-a^1^{Delta}, b^1^{Pi}-d^1^{Sigma}^+^, c^1^{Phi}-a^1^{Delta}, and f^1^{Delta}-a^1^{Delta} systems. Three Fourier transform emission spectra have been used for the analysis. New bands of the b^1^{Pi}-a^1^{Delta} and c^1^{Phi}-a^1^{Delta} systems have been fitted. The first analysis of the c^1^{Phi}-a^1^{Delta} system using Fourier transform spectra is also provided. Extensive and improved line positions are measured. TiO is prominent in the spectra of oxygen-rich cool stellar objects and may be present in hot-Jupiter exoplanet atmospheres.