Using the quasar spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, all with two-epoch to six-epoch observations, we search for CIV{lambda}{lambda}1548,1551 narrow absorption doublets in spectral data from the blue wing {upsilon}r=30000km/s until the red wing of CIV{lambda}1549 emission lines. We have obtained 21239 CIV narrow absorption line (NAL) systems, of which 647 systems were significantly changed on timescales from {Delta}MJD=0.24 to 1842.38 days at rest-frame. Both samples of the C IV NAL systems with multi-epoch observations and the variable C IV NAL systems are the largest ones to date. The offset velocity distribution of the variable C IV NALs from quasars has a peak at {upsilon}r~2000km/s and gently extends to a larger offset velocity. There are 110 variable C IV NALs with {upsilon}r>12000km/s. In addition, about 10% intrinsic C IV NALs show time variability on a timescale of <2000 days. We find that the variations of C IV NALs are positively or negatively correlated with the alternations of quasar continua. The two kinds of correlations suggest that the variable C IV NALs included in our absorber catalog can be classified into at least two populations: (1) highly ionized systems that are dominated by highly ionized absorbing gas and negatively respond to the fluctuations of quasar emissions; and (2) lowly ionized systems that are dominated by lowly ionized absorbing gas and positively respond to fluctuations of quasar emissions. We also find that the absolute fractional changes in the absorption strengths of C IV NALs are inversely correlated with absorption strengths.