We present a consistent set of calculated energies and E1, M1, E2, M2 radiative transition data for the main n=3 levels from the 3s^2^3p^4^, 3p^6^, 3s3p^4^3d, 3s^2^3p^2^3d^2^, 3s3p^5^, 3s^2^3p^3^3d, and 3s3p^3^3d^2^ configurations for S-like ions from CrIX to CuXIV. The fully relativistic multiconfiguration Dirac-Hartree-Fock method implemented in the GRASP2K code (Jonsson+ 2007CoPhC.177..597J ; 2013CoPhC.184.2197J) is used to perform the present calculations. The excitation energies of the lowest 47 levels from the 3s^2^3p^4^, 3s3p^5^, and 3s^2^3p^3^3d configurations, producing the strongest lines, are found to be in good agreement, reaching spectroscopic accuracy, with the latest experimental values for FeXI evaluated by Del Zanna. Our energies can reliably be used to identify in astrophysical and laboratory spectra the 3s^2^3p^3^3d levels in other S-like ions, which are mostly unknown. On the contrary, significant discrepancies with the 3s3p^4^3d levels were found, emphasizing the need for more detailed experimental studies. A few new tentative identifications are suggested. The benchmarks we present indicate that our consistent set of radiative data is accurate and can be used for spectral line modeling.