We present a narrow H{alpha}-band imaging survey of 357 low surface brightness galaxies (LSBGs) that are selected from the spring sky region of the 40% Arecibo Legacy Fast Arecibo L-band Feed Array (ALFALFA) HI Survey. All the H{alpha} images are obtained from the 2.16m telescope, operated by the Xinglong Observatory of the National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences. We provide the H{alpha} fluxes and derive the global star formation rates (SFRs) of LSBGs after the Galactic extinction, internal extinction, and [NII] contamination correction. Compared to normal star-forming galaxies, LSBGs have a similar distribution in the HI surface density ({Sigma}HI), but their SFRs and star formation surface density ({Sigma}SFR) are much lower. Our results show that the gas-rich LSBGs selected from the ALFALFA survey obviously deviate from the Kennicutt-Schmidt law, in the relation between the star formation surface density ({Sigma}SFR) and the gas surface density ({Sigma}gas). However, they follow the extended Schmidt law well when taking the stellar mass of the galaxy into consideration.