Monitoring chromospheric and photospheric indexes of magnetic activity can provide valuable information, especially the interaction between different parts of the atmosphere and their response to magnetic fields. We extract chromospheric indexes, S and R_HK_^+^, for 59816 stars from LAMOST spectra in the LAMOST-Kepler program, and photospheric index, Reff, for 5575 stars from Kepler light curves. The log Reff shows positive correlation with logR_HK_^+^. We estimate the power-law indexes between Reff and R_HK_^+^ for F-, G-, and K-type stars, respectively. We also confirm the dependence of both chromospheric and photospheric activity on stellar rotation. Ca ii H and K emissions and photospheric variations generally decrease with increasing rotation periods for stars with rotation periods exceeding a few days. The power-law indexes in exponential decay regimes show different characteristics in the two activity-rotation relations. The updated largest sample including the activity proxies and reported rotation periods provides more information to understand the magnetic activity for cool stars.