We present optical spectroscopy in the range 3300-7400A for a total of 37 planetary nebulae in the LMC and seven in the SMC. Together with the object from the first paper in the series (1991ApJS...75..407M), we now have accurate emission-line intensities down to a few percent of H{beta} for 77 nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds. Agreement with other authors is excellent. Reddening estimates from Balmer line ratios have been determined, and the line intensities have been dereddened accordingly. Nebular [O III] electron temperature and, where measurable, [S II] densities, are derived. [O II] electron densities are recalculated using appropriate electron temperatures. The [S II] and [O II] electron densities correlate well, with n_e_([O II])>n_e_([S II]). Zanstra temperatures are in derived for 22 objects possessing detectable stellar continua. These temperatures are in agreement with photoionization modeling of this sample.