A complete line list with improved accuracy for all the rotation- vibration transitions of the fundamental, first, and second overtone bands up to nu=20 and J=149 of the ground state X ^1^{Sigma}^+^ of the seven CO isotopes - 12C16O, 13C16O, 12C17O, 12C18O, 13C18O, 14C16O, and 13C17O - is made available to the astronomical community. A line list of the pure rotational transitions up to nu=5 and J=60 is also made available for these seven isotopes. This line list contains the transition frequency, the lower state energy, the Einstein A-value, the gf-value, the transition strength at 3000K or 1000K for the pure rotational transitions, the expectation value of the effective dipole moment operator, and the quantum numbers of each transition. Individual partition functions are reported in the temperature range of 500 to 10,000K.