The paper presents a collection of 436 extinction curves covering the whole available range of wavelengths from satellite UV to near-IR. The data were taken from the ANS photometric catalogue (Cat. <II/97>) and from the compilations of IR photometric measurements. The data curves have been obtained with the aid of "artificial standards" Papaj et al. (1993A&A...273..575P) and Wegner (1994MNRAS.270..229W, 1995, Interstellar Absorption Structures in the Direction of Nearby OB stars, Wyd. Uczelniane WSP, Bydgoszcz, p. 1-383). The visual magnitudes and spectral classifications of O and B type stars with E_B-V_>=0.05 were taken from the SIMBAD database. The curves are given in the form of plots and tables E_{lambda}-V_/E_B-V_ versus 1/{lambda}. The observed variety of extinction laws among slightly reddened stars is apparently due to the various physical parameters of interstellar clouds.