Interstellar extinction is investigated in a 1.5 square degree area of the Cepheus Flare in the direction of the dark cloud TGU 619 at l=102.5{deg}, b=+15.5{deg} . The study is based on photometric classification of 658 stars in spectral and luminosity classes down to V=16mag using photometry in the Vilnius seven-color system published in Paper I (2009BaltA..18..161Z, Cat. J/BaltA/18/161). The extinction in the investigated area is very uneven: in the most transparent directions we find an extinction of 0.3-1.1mag while in the darkest directions the maximum extinction observed is 2.6mag. The real extinction should be considerably larger since in the direction of some cloud clumps no stars are seen. The distribution of stars in the AV vs. d plot gives evidence that the dust clouds are located at a distance of 286+/-20pc.