This catalog contains compact core fluxes for a list of 175 southern radio galaxies, measured with the Parkes-Tidbinbilla Interferometer (PTI, Norris et al. 1988ApJS...67...85N) on a single 275 km baseline at 2.3 GHz and 8.4 GHz. The sample consists of large angular size ( > 0.5 arcmin) steep spectrum sources from Jones & McAdam (1992ApJS...80..137J) observed to determine the fraction of flux contained in compact (VLBI-scale) cores. Of the 172 sources observed at 2.3 GHz (100 milliarcsec fringe spacing), 63 had cores detected and upper limits were determined for the remaining 109. Of the 88 sources observed at 8.4 GHz (30 milliarcsec fringe spacing), 38 had cores detected and 50 have upper limits. A comparison of the detections and upper limits at the two frequencies shows that the cores have flat or inverted spectra. The core fluxes quoted here may vary by around 20 % if there is structure on the scale of the fringe spacing and the cores are probably intrinsically variable.