CCD surface photometry for 232 E and S0 galaxies is presented. The galaxies are observed in Gunn r and Johnson B, or Gunn r and g. For 48 of the galaxies also surface photometry in Johnson U is presented. Aperture magnitudes in Gunn v are derived for half of the galaxies. Galaxies in the following clusters have been observed: Abell 194, Abell 539, Abell 3381, Abell 3574, Abell S639, Abell S753, HydraI (Abell 1060), DC2345-28, Doradus, and Grm15. This catalog include the global parameters for the galaxies: effective radius, mean surface brightness, the characteristic radius r_n, colour, colour gradient, ellipticity, c4, <c4>, and <c6>. The derivation of the effective parameters and of r_n takes the seeing into account. Seeing corrected values of the effective parameters and r_n are given for 147 E and S0 galaxies in the Coma cluster. This catalog also includes colours, colour gradients, ellipticity, c4, <c4>, and <c6> for the galaxies in the Coma cluster. This is an slightly updated version of data published in Jorgensen et al. (1992A&AS...95..489J) and Jorgensen & Franx (1994ApJ...433..553J). Colours and ellipticities are derived for the values effective radii in Gunn r where the seeing has been taken into account.