We present R-band CCD photometry for 776 galaxies observed in the EFAR (Elliptical FAR away) project. The photometry is compared with photoelectric data, showing that a common zero-point good to better than 1% and a precision of 0.03mag per zero-point have been achieved. We give the circularly averaged surface brightness profiles and the photometric parameters of the 762 program galaxies, D(n) diameters (at 20.5mag/arcsec^2^), half-luminosity radii Re, total magnitudes m_T_, and average effective surface brightnesses <SBe>. More than 80% of the profiles have a global S/N ratio larger than 300. The extrapolation needed to derive total magnitudes is less than 10% for 80% of the fits. More than 80% of the galaxies have mean effective surface brightness larger than the observed sky brightness. In 90% of the profiles the estimate of the contamination of the sky by the galaxy light is less than 1%. We derive total magnitudes and half-luminosity radii to better than 0.15mag and 25%, respectively, for 90% of our sample. In contrast, external comparisons show that data in the literature can be strongly affected by systematic errors due to large extrapolations, small radial range, sky subtraction errors, seeing effects, and the use of a simple R^1/4^ fit. The resulting errors can easily amount to more than 0.5mag in the total magnitudes and 50% in the half-luminosity radii.