As a pilot study for the first all-sky radio survey at short wavelengths, we have observed 1216deg^2^ of the southern sky at 18GHz (16mm) using a novel wide-band (3.4-GHz bandwidth) analogue correlator on one baseline of the Australia Telescope Compact Array. We scanned a region of sky between declination -71{deg} and -59{deg} with an rms noise level of 15mJy. Follow-up radio imaging of candidate sources above a 4{sigma} detection limit of 60mJy resulted in 221 confirmed detections, for which we have measured accurate positions and flux densities. For extragalactic sources, the survey is roughly 70 per cent complete at a flux density of 126mJy and 95 per cent complete above 300mJy. Almost half the detected sources lie within a few degrees of the Galactic plane, but there are 123 sources with |b|>5{deg}, which can be assumed to be extragalactic.