A search for pulsating pre-main-sequence (PMS) stars was performed in the young open cluster NGC 6383 using CCD time-series photometry in Johnson B and V filters. With an age of only ~1.7Myr all cluster members later than spectral type A0 have not reached the ZAMS yet, hence being ideal candidates for investigating PMS pulsation among A- and F-type stars. In total 286 stars have been analysed using classical Fourier techniques. From about a dozen stars within the boundaries of the classical instability strip, two stars were found to pulsate: NGC 6383 #170, with five frequencies simultaneously, and NGC 6383 #198, with a single frequency. In addition, NGC 6383 #152 is a suspected PMS variable star, but our data remain inconclusive. Linear, non-adiabatic models assuming PMS evolutionary phase and purely radial pulsation were calculated for the two new PMS pulsators. NGC 6383 #170 appears to pulsate radially in third and fifth overtones, while the other three frequencies seem to be of non-radial nature. NGC 6383 #198 pulsates mono-periodically, most probably in the third radial overtone. Magnitudes and BV colours were available in the literature for only one third of all stars and we used them for calibrating the remaining.