JHK photometry in the Mauna Kea Observatories (MKO) near-infrared system is presented for 115 stars. Of these stars, 79 are United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) standards from Hawarden et al. (2001MNRAS.325..563H), and 42 are Las Campanas Observatory (LCO, or NICMOS) standards from Persson et al. The average brightness of the sample in all three bandpasses is 11.5mag, with a range between 10 and 15. The average number of nights each star was observed is 4, and the average of the internal error of the final results is 0.011mag. These JHK data agree with those reported by other groups to 0.02mag, for stars in common, which is consistent with the uncertainties. The measurements are used to derive colour transformations between the MKO JHK photometric system and the UKIRT, LCO and Two Micron All-Sky Survey (2MASS) systems.