We present CCD BVI photometry for the southern open cluster NGC 2489 and its surrounding field. The sample consists of 2182 stars measured in an area of 13.6'x13.6', extending down to V~21.5. These data are supplemented with CORAVEL radial-velocity observations for seven red giant candidates. A cluster angular radius of 6.7+/-0.6', equivalent to 3.5+/-0.3pc, is estimated from star counts carried out inside and outside the cluster region. The comparison of the cluster colour-magnitude diagrams with isochrones of the Padova group yields E(B-V)=0.30+/-0.05, E(V-I)=0.40+/-0.05 and V-MV=12.20+/-0.25 for logt=8.70 (t=500^+130^_-100_Myr) and Z=0.019. NGC 2489 is then located at 1.8+/-0.3kpc from the Sun and 25pc below the Galactic plane. The analysis of the kinematical data allowed us to confirm cluster membership for six red giants, one of them being a spectroscopic binary. A mean radial velocity of 38.13+/-0.33km/s was derived for the cluster red giants. The properties of a sample of open clusters aligned along the line of sight of NGC 2489 are examined.