The largest K-band flux-limited sample of luminous quasars to date has been constructed from the UKIRT (UK Infrared Telescope) Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS) Large Area Survey Early Data Release, covering an effective area of 12.8deg^2^. Exploiting the K-band excess (KX) of all quasars with respect to foreground stars, including quasars experiencing dust reddening and objects with non-standard spectral energy distributions (SEDs), a list of targets suitable for spectroscopic follow-up observations with the AAOmega multi-object spectrograph is constructed, resulting in more than 200 confirmed active galactic nuclei (AGN). KX selection successfully identifies as quasar candidates objects that are excluded from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quasar selection algorithm due to their colours being consistent with the stellar locus in optical colour space (with the space density of the excluded objects agreeing well with results from existing completeness analyses). Nearly half of the KX-selected quasars with K<=17.0 at z<3 are too faint in the i band to have been targeted by the SDSS quasar selection algorithm, revealing a large population of quasars with red i-K colours.