IRAS 21413+5442 and IRAS 21407+5441 are two massive star-forming regions of high luminosity, likely associated with each other. Near-infrared (NIR) photometry on these two IRAS sources was performed at United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) using the UFTI under excellent seeing conditions yielding an angular resolution of ~0.5arcsec. Our results reveal details of stellar content to a completeness limit (90 per cent) of J=18.5, H=18.0 and K=17.5mag in the two regions. In IRAS 21413+5442, we identify a late O-type star, having large H-K colour, to be near the centre of the CO jets observed by earlier authors. The UKIRT images reveal in IRAS 21407+5441, a faint but clear compact HII region around a central high- and intermediate-mass star cluster. We have detected a number of sources with large H-K colour which are not detected in J band. We also present the GMRT radio continuum map at 1.28GHz covering the entire region surrounding the two star-forming clouds.