We present a new catalogue, the Imperial IRAS-FSC Redshift Catalogue (IIFSCz), of 60303 galaxies selected at 60um from the IRAS Faint Source Catalogue (FSC). The IIFSCz consists of accurate position, optical, near-infrared and/or radio identifications, spectroscopic redshift (if available) or photometric redshift (if possible), predicted far-infrared (FIR) and submillimetre (submm) fluxes ranging from 12 to 1380um based upon the best-fitting infrared template. About 55% of the galaxies in the IIFSCz have spectroscopic redshifts, and a further 20% have photometric redshifts obtained through either the training set or the template-fitting method. For S(60)>0.36Jy, the 90% completeness limit of the FSC, 90% of the sources have either spectroscopic or photometric redshifts. Scientific applications of the IIFSCz include validation of current and forthcoming infrared and submm/mm surveys such as AKARI, Planck and Herschel, follow-up studies of rare source populations, large-scale structure and galaxy bias, local multiwavelength luminosity functions and source counts. The catalogue is publicly available at