Cygnus X-3 is one of the brightest X-ray and radio sources in the Galaxy and is well known for its erratic behaviour in X-rays as well as in the radio, occasionally producing major radio flares associated with relativistic ejections. However, even after many years of observations in various wavelength bands Cyg X-3 still eludes clear physical understanding. Studying different emission bands simultaneously in microquasars has proved to be a fruitful approach towards understanding these systems, especially by shedding light on the accretion disc/jet connection. We continue this legacy by constructing a hardness-intensity diagram (HID) from archival Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer data and linking simultaneous radio observations to it. We find that surprisingly Cyg X-3 sketches a similar shape in the HID to that seen in other transient black hole X-ray binaries during outburst but with distinct differences.