We continue our study of weakly ionized protostellar accretion discs that are threaded by a large-scale magnetic field and power a centrifugally driven wind. It has been argued that there is already evidence in several protostellar systems that such a wind transports a significant fraction of the angular momentum from at least some part of the disc. We model this situation by considering a radially localized disc model in which the matter is everywhere well coupled to the field and the wind is the main repository of excess angular momentum. We consider stationary configurations in which magnetic diffusivity counters the shearing and advection of the magnetic field lines. In Wardle & Koenigl (1997, ASP Conf. Ser., 121, 561) we analysed the disc structure in the hydrostatic approximation (vertical motions neglected inside the disc) and presented exact disc/wind solutions for the ambipolar diffusivity regime. In Koenigl, Salmeron & Wardle (Paper I, 2010MNRAS.401..479K) we generalized the hydrostatic analysis to the Hall and Ohm diffusivity domains and used it to identify the disc parameter sub-regimes in which viable solutions with distinct physical properties can be expected to occur. In this paper we test the results of Paper I by deriving full numerical solutions (integrated through the sonic critical surface) of the disc equations in the Hall domain.