We report results of initial work done on selected candidate Cepheids to be observed with the Kepler space telescope. Prior to the launch, 40 candidates were selected from previous surveys and data bases. The analysis of the first 322d of Kepler photometry, and recent ground-based follow-up multicolour photometry and spectroscopy allowed us to confirm that one of these stars, V1154 Cyg (KIC 7548061), is indeed a 4.9d Cepheid. Using the phase lag method, we show that this star pulsates in the fundamental mode. New radial velocity data are consistent with previous measurements, suggesting that a long-period binary component is unlikely. No evidence is seen in the ultraprecise, nearly uninterrupted Kepler photometry for non-radial or stochastically excited modes at the micromagnitude level. The other candidates are not Cepheids, but an interesting mix of possible spotted stars, eclipsing systems and flare stars.