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Resource Record Summary

Catalog Service:
Catalogue of stellar cluster properties in M83

Short name: J/MNRAS/417/L6
IVOA Identifier: ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/MNRAS/417/L6Publisher: CDSivo://CDS[Pub. ID]
More Info: http://cdsarc.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/cat/J/MNRAS/417/L6
VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Status: active
Registered: 2011 Nov 04 07:07:23Z


We study the stellar cluster population in two adjacent fields in the nearby, face-on spiral galaxy, M83, using multi-wavelength WFC3/HST imaging. After automatic detection procedures, the clusters are selected through visual inspection to be centrally concentrated, symmetric, and resolved on the images, which allows us to differentiate between clusters and likely unbound associations. We compare our sample with previous studies and show that the differences between the catalogues are largely due to the inclusion of large numbers of diffuse associations within previous catalogues as well as the inclusion of the central starburst region, where the completeness limit is significantly worse than in the surrounding regions. We derive the size distribution of the clusters, which is well described by a log-normal distribution with a peak at ~2.5pc, and find evidence for an expansion in the half-light radius of clusters with age. The luminosity function of the clusters is well approximated by a power-law with index, -2, over most of the observed range, however a steepening is seen at M_V=-9.3 and -8.8 in the inner and outer fields, respectively. Additionally, we show that the cluster population is inconsistent with a pure power-law mass distribution, but instead exhibits a truncation at the high mass end. If described as a Schechter function, the characteristic mass is 1.6 and 0.5x10^5^M_{sun}_, for the inner and outer fields, respectively, in agreement with previous estimates of other cluster populations in spiral galaxies. Comparing the predictions of the mass independent disruption (MID) and mass dependent disruption (MDD) scenarios with the observed distributions, we find that both models can accurately fit the data. However, for the MID case, the fraction of clusters destroyed (or mass lost) per decade in age is dependent on the environment, hence, the age/mass distributions of clusters are not universal. In the MDD case, the disruption timescale scales with galactocentric distance (being longer in the outer regions of the galaxy) in agreement with analytic and numerical predictions. Finally, we discuss the implications of our results on other extragalactic surveys, focussing on the fraction of stars that form in clusters and the need (or lack thereof) for infant mortality.

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About the Resource Providers

This section describes who is responsible for this resource

Publisher: CDSivo://CDS[Pub. ID]

Bastian N.Adamo A.Gieles M.Lamers H.J.G.L.M.Larsen S.S.Silva-Villa E.Smith L.J.Kotulla R.Konstantopoulos I.S.Trancho G.Zackrisson E.

Contact Information:
X CDS support team
Email: cds-question at unistra.fr
Address: CDS
Observatoire de Strasbourg
11 rue de l'Universite
F-67000 Strasbourg

Status of This Resource

This section provides some status information: the resource version, availability, and relevant dates.

Version: n/a
Availability: This is an active resource.
  • This service provides only public data.
Relevant dates for this Resource:
  • Updated: 2012 Jan 02 15:39:51Z
  • Created: 2011 Nov 04 07:07:23Z

This resource was registered on: 2011 Nov 04 07:07:23Z
This resource description was last updated on: 2021 Oct 21 00:00:00Z

What This Resource is About

This section describes what the resource is, what it contains, and how it might be relevant.

Resource Class: CatalogService
This resource is a service that provides access to catalog data. You can extract data from the catalog by issuing a query, and the matching data is returned as a table.
Resource type keywords:
  • Catalog
Subject keywords:
  • Open star clusters
  • Galaxies
  • Optical astronomy
  • H alpha photometry
  • Photometry
  • Wide-band photometry
  • Infrared photometry
Intended audience or use:
  • Research: This resource provides information appropriate for supporting scientific research.
More Info: http://cdsarc.unistra.fr/cgi-bin/cat/J/MNRAS/417/L6 Literature Reference: 2011MNRAS.417L...6B

Related Resources:

Other Related Resources
TAP VizieR generic service(IsServedBy) ivo://CDS.VizieR/TAP [Res. ID]
J/AJ/122/3046 : HST photometry of star clusters in NGC 5236 (Harris+, 2001) ivo://CDS.VizieR/J/AJ/122/3046 [Res. ID]

Data Coverage Information

This section describes the data's coverage over the sky, frequency, and time.

Wavebands covered:

  • Optical
  • Infrared

Rights and Usage Information

This section describes the rights and usage information for this data.


Available Service Interfaces

Custom Service

This is service that does not comply with any IVOA standard but instead provides access to special capabilities specific to this resource.

VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Available endpoints for this service interface:
Custom Service

This is service that does not comply with any IVOA standard but instead provides access to special capabilities specific to this resource.

VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Available endpoints for this service interface:
  • URL-based interface: http://vizier.unistra.fr/viz-bin/votable?-source=J/MNRAS/417/L6
Table Access Protocol - Auxiliary ServiceXX

This is a standard IVOA service that takes as input an ADQL or PQL query and returns tabular data.

VO Compliance: Level 2: This is a VO-compliant resource.
Available endpoints for the standard interface:
  • http://tapvizier.u-strasbg.fr/TAPVizieR/tap

Developed with the support of the National Science Foundation
under Cooperative Agreement AST0122449 with the Johns Hopkins University
The NAVO project is a member of the International Virtual Observatory Alliance

This NAVO Application is hosted by the Space Telescope Science Institute

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