Jets and outflows from young stellar objects (YSOs) are important signposts of currently ongoing star formation. In order to study these objects, we are conducting an unbiased survey along the Galactic plane in the 1-0 S(1) emission line of molecular hydrogen at 2.122 um using the United Kingdom Infrared Telescope. In this paper, we are focusing on a 33-deg^2^-sized region in Serpens and Aquila (18{deg}<l<30{deg}; -1.5{deg}<b<+1.5{deg}). We trace 131 jets and outflows from YSOs, which results in a 15-fold increase in the total number of known molecular hydrogen outflows. Compared to this, the total integrated 1-0 S(1) flux of all objects just about doubles, since the known objects occupy the bright end of the flux distribution. Our completeness limit is 3x10^-18^W/m^2^ with 70 per cent of the objects having fluxes of less than 10^-17^W/m^2^.