Star-forming galaxies are thought to dominate the sub-mJy radio population, but recent work has shown that low-luminosity active galactic nuclei (AGNs) can still make a significant contribution to the faint radio source population. Spectral indices are an important tool for understanding the emission mechanism of the faint radio sources. We have observed the extended Chandra Deep Field South at 5.5GHz using a mosaic of 42 pointings with the Australia Telescope Compact Array. Our image reaches an almost uniform sensitivity of ~12Jy rms over 0.25deg^2^ with a restoring beam of 4.9"x2.0", making ATLAS 5.5GHz survey one of the deepest 6cm surveys to date. We present the 5.5GHz catalogue and source counts from this field. We take advantage of the large amount of ancillary data in this field to study the 1.4 to 5.5GHz spectral indices of the sub-mJy population.