We construct full broad-band models in an analysis of Suzaku observations of nearby Seyfert 1 active galactic nuclei (AGN) (z<=0.2) with exposures >50ks and with greater than 30000 counts in order to study their iron line profiles. This results in a sample of 46 objects and 84 observations. After a full modelling of the broad-band Suzaku and Swift-Burst Alert Telescope data (0.6-100keV), we find complex warm absorption is present in 59 per cent of the objects in this sample which has a significant bearing upon the derived FeK region parameters. Meanwhile 35 per cent of the 46 objects require some degree of high column density partial coverer in order to fully model the hard X-ray spectrum. We also find that a large number of the objects in the sample (22 per cent) require high velocity, high ionization outflows in the FeK region resulting from FeXXV and FeXXVI. A further four AGN feature highly ionized FeK absorbers consistent with zero outflow velocity, making a total of 14/46 (30%) AGN in this sample showing evidence for statistically significant absorption in the FeK region.