We describe the motivation, field locations and stellar selection for the Abundances and Radial velocity Galactic Origins Survey (ARGOS) spectroscopic survey of 28000 stars in the bulge and inner disc of the Milky Way galaxy across latitudes of b=-5{deg} to -10{deg}. The primary goal of this survey is to constrain the formation processes of the bulge and establish whether it is predominantly a merger or instability remnant. From the spectra (R=11000), we have measured radial velocities and determined stellar parameters, including metallicities and [{alpha}/Fe] ratios. Distances were estimated from the derived stellar parameters and about 14000 stars are red giants within 3.5kpc of the Galactic Centre. In this paper, we present the observations and analysis methods. Subsequent papers (III and IV) will discuss the stellar metallicity distribution and kinematics of the Galactic bulge and inner disc, and the implications for the formation of the bulge.