We have selected the positions of 54 6.7GHz methanol masers from the Methanol Multibeam Survey catalogue, covering a range of longitudes between 20{deg} and 34{deg} of the Galactic plane. These positions were mapped in the J=3-2 transition of both the ^13^CO and C^18^O lines. A total of 58 ^13^CO emission peaks are found in the vicinity of these maser positions. We search for outflows around all ^13^CO peaks, and find evidence for high-velocity gas in all cases, spatially resolving the red and blue outflow lobes in 55 cases. Of these sources, 44 have resolved kinematic distances, and are closely associated with the 6.7GHz masers, a subset referred to as Methanol Maser Associated Outflows (MMAOs). We calculate the masses of the clumps associated with each peak using 870{mu}m continuum emission from the ATLASGAL survey. A strong correlation is seen between the clump mass and both outflow mass and mechanical force, lending support to models in which accretion is strongly linked to outflow. We find that the scaling law between outflow activity and clump masses observed for low-mass objects, is also followed by the MMAOs in this study, indicating a commonality in the formation processes of low-mass and high-mass stars.