An investigation of the IRAS 16148-5011 region - a cluster at a distance of 3.6kpc - is presented here, carried out using multiwavelength data in near-infrared (NIR) from the 1.4m Infrared Survey Facility telescope, mid-infrared (MIR) from the archival Spitzer GLIMPSE (Galactic Legacy Infrared Midplane Survey Extraordinaire) survey, far-infrared (FIR) from the Herschel archive, and low-frequency radio continuum observations at 1280 and 843MHz from the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope and Molonglo Survey archive, respectively. A combination of NIR and MIR data is used to identify 7 Class I and 133 Class II sources in the region. Spectral energy distribution (SED) analysis of selected sources reveals a 9.6M_{sun}_ high-mass source embedded in nebulosity. However, Lyman continuum luminosity calculation using radio emission - which shows a compact HII region - indicates the spectral type of the ionizing source to be earlier than B0-O9.5. Free-free emission SED modelling yields the electron density as 138cm^-3^, and thus the mass of the ionized hydrogen as ~16.4M_{sun}_. Thermal dust emission modelling, using the FIR data from Herschel and performing modified blackbody fits, helped us construct the temperature and column density maps of the region, which show peak values of 30K and 3.3x10^22^cm^-2^, respectively. The column density maps reveal an A_V_>20mag extinction associated with the nebular emission, and weak filamentary structures connecting dense clumps. The clump associated with this IRAS object is found to have dimensions of ~1.1pcx0.8pc, and a mass of 10^23^M_{sun}_.