We present the third data release from the Australia Telescope Large Area Survey. These data combine the observations at 1.4GHz before and after upgrades to the Australia Telescope Compact Array reaching a sensitivity of 14{mu}Jy/beam in 3.6 deg^2^ over the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS) and of 17{mu}Jy/beam in 2.7 deg^2^ over the European Large Area ISO Survey South 1 (ELAIS-S1). We used a variety of array configurations to maximize the uv coverage resulting in a resolution of 16 by 7-arcsec in CDFS and of 12 by 8-arcsec in ELAIS-S1. After correcting for peak bias and bandwidth smearing, we find a total of 3034 radio source components above 5{sigma} in CDFS, of which 514 (17 per cent) are considered to be extended. The number of components detected above 5{sigma} in ELAIS-S1 is 2084, of which 392 (19 per cent) are classified as extended. The catalogues include reliable spectral indices ({Delta}{alpha}<0.2) between 1.40 and 1.71GHz for ~350 of the brightest components.