A spectroscopic and photometric analysis has been carried out for 32 candidate SX Phe variable blue straggler stars in the Kepler field. Radial velocities (RVs), space motions (U, V, W), projected rotation velocities (vsini), spectral types and atmospheric characteristics (T_eff_, logg, [Fe/H], {xi}_t_, {zeta}_RT_, etc.) are presented for 30 of the 32 stars. Although several stars are metal-weak with extreme halo orbits, the mean [Fe/H] of the sample is near-solar, thus the stars are more metal-rich than expected for a typical sample of Pop. II stars and more like halo metal-rich A-type stars. Two-thirds of the stars are fast rotators with vsini>50km/s^, including four stars with vsini>200km/s. Three of the stars have (negative) RVs>250km/s^, five have retrograde space motions and 21 have total speeds (relative to the Local Standard of Rest) >400km/s. All but one of the 30 stars have positions in a Toomre diagram consistent with the kinematics of bona fide halo stars (the exception being a thick-disc star). Observed Romer time delays, pulsation frequency modulations and light curves suggest that at least one-third of the stars are in binary (or triple) systems with orbital periods ranging from 2.3d to more than four years.