Taking advantage of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stripe82 data, we have explored the spatial distribution of ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) within an area of 8x8Mpc^2^ centred around the galaxy cluster Abell 168 (z=0.045). This intermediate massive cluster ({sigma}=550km/s) is surrounded by a complex large-scale structure. Our work confirms the presence of UDGs in the cluster and in the large-scale structure that surrounds it, and it is the first detection of UDGs outside clusters. Approximately 50 per cent of the UDGs analysed in the selected area inhabit the cluster region (~11+/-5 per cent in the core and ~39+/-9 per cent in the outskirts), whereas the remaining UDGs are found outside the main cluster structure (~50+/-11 per cent). The colours and the spatial distribution of the UDGs within this large-scale structure are more similar to dwarf galaxies than to L* galaxies, suggesting that most UDGs could be bona fide dwarf galaxies.