Present and future high-precision radial-velocity spectrometers dedicated to the discovery of low-mass planets orbiting low-mass dwarfs need to focus on the best selected stars to make an efficient use of telescope time. In the framework of the preparation of the SPIRou Input Catalogue (SPIC), the CoolSnap program aims at screening M dwarfs in the solar neighbourhood against binarity, rapid rotation, activity, etc. To optimize the selection, this paper describes the methods used to compute effective temperature, metallicity, projected rotation velocity of a large sample of 440 M dwarfs observed in the visible with the high-resolution spectropolarimeter Echelle SpectroPolArimetric Device for the ObservatioN of Stars (ESPaDOnS) at Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. It also summarizes known and newly discovered spectroscopic binaries, and stars known to belong to visual multiple systems. A calibration of the projected rotation velocity versus measured line widths for M dwarfs observed by the ESPaDOnS spectropolarimeter is derived, and the resulting values are compared to equatorial rotation velocities deduced from rotation periods and radii. A comparison of the derived effective temperatures and metallicities with literature values is also conducted. Finally, the radial-velocity uncertainty of each star in the sample is estimated, to narrow down the selection of stars to be included into the SPIC.