We present an extensive compendium of photometrically determined structural properties for all Calar Alto Legacy Integral Field spectroscopy Area (CALIFA)galaxies in the third data release (DR3). We exploit Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) images in order to extract one-dimensional (1D) gri surface brightness profiles for all CALIFA DR3 galaxies. We also derive a variety of non-parametric quantities and parametric models fitted to 1D i-band profiles. The galaxy images are decomposed using the 2D bulge-disc decomposition programs IMFIT and GALFIT. The relative performance and merit of our 1D and 2D modelling approaches are assessed. Where possible, we compare and augment our photometry with existing measurements from the literature. Close agreement is generally found with the studies of Walcher et al. (2014A&A...569A...1W) and Mendez-Abreu et al. (2017A&A...598A..32M, Cat. J/A+A/598/A32), though some significant differences exist. Various structural metrics are also highlighted on account of their tight dispersion against an independent variable, such as the circular velocity.