We report the discovery of 34 new open clusters and candidates as a result of a systematic search carried out in 200 adjacent fields of 1x1 square degrees area projected towards the Galactic bulge, using Gaia DR2 data. The objects were identified and characterized by a joint analysis of their photometric, kinematic and spatial distribution, which has been consistently used and proved to be effective in our previous works. The discoveries were validated by cross-referencing the objects position and astrometric parameters with the available literature. Besides their coordinates and astrometric parameters, we also provide sizes, ages, distances and reddening for the discovered objects. In particular, 32 clusters are closer than 2kpc from the Sun, which represents an increment of nearly 39% of objects with astrophysical parameters determined in the nearby inner disk. Although these objects fill an important gap in the open clusters distribution along the Sagittarius arm, this arm, traced by known clusters, appears to be interrupted, which may be an artifact due to the incompleteness of the cluster census.