We present the results of deep observations of the Lockman Hole field with the ASCA SIS, covering 926arcmin^2^ in the 1-7keV energy range, with a sensitivity 3-5 times deeper than the previous ASCA larger area surveys. Utilizing the results of the ROSAT Ultra Deep survey, we have detected 32, 25, and 15 sources in the 1-7, 1-2, and 2-7keV bands, and only 4, 4, and 1 sources remain unidentified, respectively. The average hardness of the sources detected in the 1-7keV band with fluxes of between 10^-14^ and 10^-13^erg/cm^2^/s corresponds to a photon index of 1.65+/-0.10. Type-2 AGNs show significantly harder spectra than type-1s, which can be explained by absorption column densities of N_H_~10^22-23^cm^-2 at the source redshifts. Fifteen sources are detected in the hard-band (2-7keV), consisting of six type-1 AGNs, six type-2 AGNs, one star, one cluster of galaxies, and one unidentified source. Type-2 AGNs make up a major part of hard X-ray populations in the 2-7keV band at a flux level of 3x10^-14^erg/cm^2^/s (2-7 keV). The redshift distributions of type-1 and type-2 AGNs suggest a lack of high luminosity (optically-defined) type-2 AGNs with intrinsic N_H_<10^23^cm^-2, n the redshift range z~1-2 and/or with intrinsic luminosities larger than 3x10^44^erg/s (2-10keV at source frame).