Near-infrared imaging observations of IRAS sources with SiO masers were made with the 2.3-m telescope of the Australian National University at Siding Spring Observatory, Australia, on 1997 June 18-23, 1998 June 9-12, and 2000 July 16-19, using the infrared array camera CASPIR. These infrared observations were made in parallel with long-term (1997-1999) SiO maser surveys at Nobeyama. The near-infrared observations were made within a year or so of the SiO detections. The details of the observations, data reduction, and method of identification were described in Deguchi et al. (1998PASJ...50..597D, 2001, Cat. <J/PASJ/53/293>), so they are not repeated here. All of the sources discussed in this paper are IRAS sources with detected SiO masers in the sky region of -10{deg}<l<15{deg} and |b|<3{deg} (Deguchi et al., 2000ApJS..130..351D).