We present six monitoring observations of the starburst galaxy NGC 2146 using the Chandra X-ray Observatory. We detected 67 point sources in the field of view of the ACIS-S detector. Six of these sources were Ultra-Luminous X-ray Sources, the brightest of which had a luminosity of 5x10^39^erg/s. One of them, with a luminosity of ~1x10^39^erg/s, is coincident with the dynamical center location, which may be a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus. We have produced a table where the positions and main characteristics of the detected sources are reported. A comparison between the positions of the X-ray sources and those detected in NIR or radio indicates no definite counterpart. We have derived a logN-logS relation and a luminosity function. The luminosity function has a slope of 0.71 above a detection limit, which is similar to those found in other starburst galaxies. Diffuse emissions were detected in both soft (0.5-2.0keV) and hard (2.0-10.0keV) energy bands. The spectra of the diffuse component were fitted with two (hard and soft) components. The hard power-law component, with a luminosity of ~4x10^39^erg/s, is likely to have originated by unresolved point sources.