We present H_2_O maser data from a survey toward IRAS sources in the Galaxy with the Nobeyama 45m telescope. This survey had a 1{sigma} noise level as small as 0.24Jy, resulting in one of the most sensitive water-maser surveys. The maximum distance of the masers to be detected by our survey is estimated to be 3kpc for sources with F_nu,1kpc_<10Jy and 10kpc for those with 10Jy<=F_nu,1kpc_<100Jy, where F_nu,1kpc_ is the maser flux density converted at a distance of 1kpc. For strong masers with F_nu,1kpc_>=100Jy, our survey could detect all sources in the Galaxy. We carried out a total of 2229 observations toward 1563 sources and detected water-maser emission toward 222 sources. Our survey newly found masers from 75 of the 222 sources.