We present deep J-, H-, and Ks-band imaging data of the MOIRCS Deep Survey (MODS), which was carried out with the Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS) mounted on the Subaru Telescope in the GOODS-North region. The data reach 5{sigma} total limiting magnitudes for point sources of J=23.9, H=22.8, and Ks=22.8 (Vega magnitude) over 103 arcmin^2^ (wide field). In 28 arcmin^2^ of the survey area, which is an ultra-deep field of the MODS (deep field), the data reach 5{sigma} depths of J=24.8, H=23.4, and Ks=23.8. The spatial resolutions of the combined images are FWHM~0.6" and ~0.5" for the wide and deep fields in all bands, respectively. Combining the MODS data with the multi-wavelength public data taken with the HST, Spitzer, and other ground-based telescopes in the GOODS field, we constructed a multi-wavelength photometric catalog of Ks-selected sources.